
ABX! and the things that make me feel better

Main symptoms: Right neck and shoulder pain, ‘migraines’ from right back of neck to side of my nose (sinus area), hip pain (mainly right), constant fatigue/feeling like I’m living in a fog, some knee and left wrist pain

Antibiotics Round 1:
·      Doxycycline 200 mg 2x/day
·      Omnicef 2x/day
·      Azithromycin x1/day
·      3 weeks on, 1 week off for two months

Antibiotcs Round 2:
·      Doxycycline 200 mg 2x/day
·      Azithromycin x1/day
·      Mephron 2x/day (only took for about 2 weeks)
·      Flagyl Th, F 2x/day
·      Other abx MWF, 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off

Antibiotics round 3:
same protocal

-- the mycobutin made me literally feel like i was going to DIE> high fevers, the worst pain imaginable, literally feeling like every organ in my body was slowly giving up.. low WBCs and platelets, and then slowly started losing my vision. ER visit- they were actually nice to me and didn't try to talk me out of my Lyme dx! I couldn't believe it- got a bag of fluids and some zofran and toradal.  

after this i took about 3 weeks off of abx to try to calm my body down and get my blood counts back in order. I started working at an alternative dr's office two afternoons a week as well. there, most of my patients are lymie too! how wonderful it is to be able to talk to people face to face about this. 

now i am back doing the doxy, omnicef, zith, and flagyl and herxing! DIE LYMIE BASTARDS ;)

**things that help me detox, relieve pain, make me feel better!! ::

Epson salt/dead sea salt/baking soda bath

Glacial Milk!

Ionic footbath

Infrared sauna


Hyperbaric chamber

Nopalea juice

water with lemon 


Gluten and dairy free

NT energy factor


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