11/10/11. Looks like a good date to me. That was the date I saw Dr Jemsek. The dr I am sure is going to change my life. He thinks I will be better in about a year. More importantly, I think I am going to be better in a year. Since Lyme and the co's can create so much inflammation within out bodies creating pain whenever and wherever the inflammation starts, and it destroys and confuses our nerves and nervous system, he started me on a two week 'pain' plan. One of the things I started on was Lyrica. Lyrica seems to be doing GREAT things for me. I am also on MANY supplements- I was on a good supplement regimen before, but he added several really important things. It didn't take long for my pain levels to drastically reduce- and for the past two days, I have been moving. This includes going up and down lots of stairs, carrying clothes, small boxes, etc! Luckily my dad, one of his friends, and my brother took the heavy things. I am still very happy with all I was able to do. Even though I am so sore today, it's more of a 'normal' sore than the pain that just comes whenever and wherever the spirochetes decide to attack. I'm supposed to start my plan of attack with my meds tommorrow (we are going for babesia first), but I'm going to start Tuesday. I am giving a presentation with my group tomorrow (Monday) and I do NOT want to be throwing up in my nice outfit. Not that I will definitely be nauseous or throw up, but some of the meds he's starting me on I haven't been on before and I do not want to have an unpleasant reaction about an hr from home. So Tuesday is the day. It's very good timing for all of this, my second to last semester of part time BSN work is wrapping up, and Christmas break will be here before I know it. I will be able to start with all of my focus on this new treatment and only have to worry about getting my butt to work 2days/wk. I think I can handle that. I am very excited to begin although I am DREADING drinking mepron again. Blehhh. I'm going to pretend it's a thick shot of something yummy. Here goes nothing! :)